Discord Clone

Chat app with multiple channels, authentication, and real-time database communication

Training Project | Express, Node, React, TS

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chat screens with messages and channels

Chat funcionality

Like each other chat application, this project uses real-time communication with the database. Web socket is used also in order to show every change instantly when the user modifies his personal info or avatar.

In addition, the application is featured with an emoji picker and has a speech recognition functionality, thanks to which it allows you to enter messages by voice.

emoji picker
channel list


Each registered user can join other channels and participate in discussions, as well as create their own. A multi-step form allows the user to name the channel, select a category, upload a featured photo and provide a description.


Users can create an account by completing the registration form. After logging in, you will be redirected to the channel list. All channels that the user has joined are available in the menu. Users can also change their avatar and name.

log-in screen